Countif funtion

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I'm trying to bring three columns together that checks for a condition of a
persons name and counts how many items were processed. I have the first
function =COUNTIF(Assignments!K2:M1669,"Brian") that's working but I don't
want it to include the blank cells only cells that have "closed". What
information am I missing? I tried including the nested argument If but keep
getting a value error.
this maybe
=sumproduct((Assignments!K2:M1669="Brian")*(Assignments! n2:n1669="closed"))
That worked!!! Thanks so much Don I've been working on this all day and it's
been driving me crazy :-)
I'm not sure which columns contain names, and which contain "closed" or what
is in third column at all. But this presumes names in K, "closed" in M -
nothing of consequence in L
should give count of entries with both Brian and closed on same row.
Okay I just found a flaw, turns out its counting the information twice for
two different people. Below is how the columns are set up and the functions
I'm using
Assigned Status Reassigned
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed brian
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed brian
Sandra Closed brian
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed Christine

Brian took over some of the assigned tasks that were given to Sandra but it
is counting them for both employees. Here is the new function I added, it
worked for one person but then put a N/A value on another:


On Brian it is now giving me the #N/A value where on Jennifer it worked.
Jennifer?? Jennifer was not invited to the party.

Which column does Jennifer appear in? 1st, 2nd? 3rd?

works for me to total up the rows where Brian was assigned, the issue is
closed and Brian was the closer. Spelling and capitalization count. Change
16s to 1669 in your formula.
Sorry Don,
Column K=Assigned, L=Status, M=Reassigned

I have 1700 lines that I'm working with and 18 employees, when I use the
below function the count no longer works but if I take off the last part of
the function it works but not correctly for everyone:


I made sure everyone starts with a capital letter on their name as well as
the status closed starting with a capital letter.
Jennifer is in column 1, I tried your function below but I'm getting a
circular error, was your -- meant to be *? Another question, by the way
Assigned is in column K, Status column L and Reassigned is in column M, not
all of the rows are reassigned only after the individual finishes their work
they help their team mates, so we can have some rows in column M that are
blank. Not sure if this will have an impact but I tried putting the persons
name their for what wasn't reassigned and it then doubled the total so I
don't think I have to do that but maybe again account for a blank cell? I
also checked for capitalization and all is in order.
I just tested this using
b c b
b c b
b c c
b b b

For the above, I get 2. It will be true only if you get b,c,b on the same
Send me your wb, if desired along with a complete explanation and what
And, for the info given below, I get 3 for Sandra,Closed,Brian
Capitalization does NOT matter.

Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed brian
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed brian
Sandra Closed brian
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed
Sandra Closed Christine

Thanks Don, I tried that as well as still getting a different answer. Here
is the scenario, I have 19 employees that are assigned tasks for the day of
applying cash and when they are finished with their work they go and help
their team mates. Take Brian for example, he was originally assigned 75
checks, of those checks he completed 55 then he went to another team member
and closed 24 of theirs. So on his original assignments he won't be putting
anything in the reassigned column but would be marking the items as closed,
so when I use the first set of function
=sumproduct((Assignments!K2:K1669="Brian")*(Assignments!L2:L1669="Closed) i
get the correct answer of 55, but the minute I add in
*(Assignments!M2:M1669="Brian")) it only shows 55 as it's not taking into
account the additional 24 he picked up, since they were originally assigned
to Sandy it is counting them in her numbers. If I change the first part of
the function to Assignments!K2:M1669="Brian")) then it gives me a figure of
134 which is adding the K column twice but also picking up the M column. I
have tried changing the operand of * to a minus/plus sign but that doesn't
work either. I thought maybe since I was doing this on another spread sheet
and bring the information in is why it was causing the issue but that is not
the case as I get the same information if I put on the same spread sheet as
where the data is being housed.

Your thoughts?
Try replacing the commas with * and see how it goes. It works fine for me
as written in Excel 2007, but I didn't go back and try in any earlier version
of Excel. To be frank, my 'expertise' with SUMPRODUCT() is virtually
non-existant, I don't use it much at all. Don and others are much better
with it than I am, although I'm trying to rectify that shortcoming since it
is such a handy tool, and it was kind of obvious to me that this was a
situation where it would do the job for you if set up properly. I may have
failed in the setup.

Oh, and NO - the -- were meant to be there, it is the commas that appear to
be in doubt. What cell(s) are you putting your formula into?

I threw a quick test together using just 16 rows and you can grab the file
and see if the formula will work on your system or not:
I put the formula at the end of column M, but you should be able to put it
anywhere else on the sheet (other than in K2:M16) and it should still work.
Okay I copied your example down and using same data you provided I got the
result of 2 for Brian and none for Sandra, where as there should be 3 for
Brian and 8 for Sandra. I'm using Excel 2003 on my home computer so that
shouldn't matter should it? On my office laptop I also have Excel 2003 so I
should be getting the same answer on each using the formula provided which I
Dot, I think we have a disconnect regarding what and how to test to get the
results you want.

The formula I put in there
looks at ALL THREE columns and only if the conditions in each of them is
true do you get a count of that row. So, the results of 3 and 0 are just
what I'd expect since only 3 rows have "brian | closed | brian" in them, and
if you change the formula to
you will get zero because none of the entries in column M (Reassigned) has
Sandra in it, at least not in the test data put up with the file.

We have 3 columns to look at, should we be looking at all 3 columns as the
formula I put up does, or only two columns as either Assigned and Status or
Status and Reassigned?

You can even check for combinations: this would give you total for those
originally Assigned to EITHER Brian or Sandra, that are closed and were
closed by Brian (but not by Sandra):
=SUMPRODUCT(--(K2:K16="Brian"),--(L2:L16="closed"),--(M2:M16="Brian")) +
Yes we need to look at all three columns to get a true count of what the
employee processed for the day. Now using your new example that works in
this scenario but would create additional work as any one of the employees
could reassign the work from someone else to themselves thus I would have to
create a formula that included everyone. So what would be the easiest way to
go so that way it looks at Brian having 55 processed and then picking up
Sandra's 24 giving a total of 79. But the scenario we could have is Brian
processing his 55, 24 from Sandra and another 30 from Jennifer so his true
total count for the day would be 109.
okay I'm confused now, currently we have the formula showing as
which currently gives me a count of 55 and I want the count of 79 so I need
to put it what way? And this would be the same for everyone?
If you want closed, brian total use
or even
Can we start back at the beginning please, I need to use all three columns in
order to come up with the total of closed items for all employees. When I
I get the total 0, when I use
=sumproduct((Assignments!L2:L1669="Closed")*(Assignments!M2:M1669="Brian")) I
get the total 24 when I added in =countif(Assignments!M2:M1669,"Brian") I get
FALSE, so right now my formula is looking like
=sumproduct((Assignments!L2:L1669="Closed")*(Assignments!M2:M1669="Brian"))=COUNTIF(Assignments!M2:M1669,"Brian"), what am I missing?