Windows XP countif function

Jun 4, 2007
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I am trying to use the countif function but it is not working. I would like to pick up information from two columns for example if column d = "telephone" and column e = "in progress", I want it to count as one.

Can anybody tell me what i should do?
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COUNTIF will count the number of non-blank cells within a specified range, so from what you have said I'm not sure that function will give you the result you are after.

I would try a combination of the If function with the AND function, as demonstrated in the attached example. I don't know what other conditions you may need to consider though...

My knowledge of Excel is limited though - I expect someone else may have a more efficient method!



That works, but what if you need to use COUNTIF or SUMIF? for example, I would like to do something like:

COUNT(IF('data 2007-2008'!B:B,"=Advert",IF('data 2007-2008'!A:A,"=May",1,0,0),0))

so the end result of all instances of 'Advert' in column B:B are counted if they occur in 'May' as shown along the row in A:A.

And if I want to do a similar thing where I sum the value of all the Adverts in May...

I can't believe how hard Excel makes this! Please help!