Countif formula

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Column references within formulas

I am referencing a column from a seperate sheet within one file. The problem
I have is that when I insert a column my formulas are not updating properly
on the seperate sheet. An example of my formula is
"countif(Sheet2!F$3:F$500,B11)". I need the formulas to find the critera one
column at a time. When I need to insert a column on sheet 2 the column
numbers referenced in the formulas change from A,B,C,D,etc to A,B,D,E etc.

I'm not sure I fully understand but I thinl you want your countif formula to
stay unchanged. If so try this


I want the number of columns that I verify data and display in to change with
the columns that actullay have data in them on sheet2. So, sheet1 is
formatted with formulas to check columns A through Z on sheet 2. I need to
add columns periodically and want the station numbers (Headings from sheet 2)
to stay in sequential order so it is easier to insert a column. However, the
formulas do not automatically adjust to account for the new columns.