I am trying to develop a COUNTIF formula that will count the number of items in a range, base on a specific date, within a 10 day range after the specified date.
So if the specified date was 03/23/2010 I would want to count everything until April 3rd. I don't wnat to have to specify the end date I would rather have a formula that calculates the 10 day range from any given specified date.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to develop a COUNTIF formula that will count the number of items in a range, base on a specific date, within a 10 day range after the specified date.
So if the specified date was 03/23/2010 I would want to count everything until April 3rd. I don't wnat to have to specify the end date I would rather have a formula that calculates the 10 day range from any given specified date.
Any help would be appreciated.