COUNTIF by date range problem




I have a sheet that shows data for several months, it has multiple instances
of each day (7/1/2008 may appear in 40 rows) as the data is from different
sources. It has another column that shows the amount of time an even
happened for each date in minutes. I need to filter this information by week
and by the count of times >5 minutes to get the percent of time >5 minutes
this even happened each week. Just to make matters more difficult the data
will be updated each week, thankfully it will be added to the end of the
table so I can just past down the formula.
I'd really appreciate some help with this because a COUNTIF formula keeps
returning errors.
Thank you

Roger Govier


Assuming your dates are in column A and Times in column B

in D2 Enter your week start date
In E2
Will give the Count of Times Greater than 5 minutes in that week.
If you enter in F2
That will give a Count of all times for that Week.

If you made E3
then that would step up the starting week dates for you without you having
to type them.

Copy formulae down as required


Hi Roger,

Thanks for the reply but the formula is returning an error. I'm not sure if
it's because of a problem in the formula or that I'm using 2002. Or it could
be that the time column is not formulated as time just as a number with 2
decimal places.

I have
which finds the total but is more cumbersome than your formula as I am
manually entering the date ranges.


Roger Govier

then change the formula to



Here is a formula that should get you the % of items in a given week that
exceed 5 minutes:


A2:A26 is the date range, B2:B26 is the minute range. E1 contains the
starting date of the week you want, E2 contains the ending date of that week.
You can enter these each week to get your results. You will highlight a
much larger range but it makes no difference. Format the formula cell to %.

There is one possible complication, this formula assumes minutes are entered
as numbers such as 1, 3, 11 or 2.5, but not as times 8:03.

If this helps, please click the Yes button.

Shane Devenshire


I tried that, it didn't work either. I've been playing with the formula but
continually get errors or incorrect data. It might be summing and not


Thanks for your help but I'm sorry, this formula returns incorrect result.
When I try in test data a COUNTIF statement finds 147, this formula finds
none. Again, I wonder if the sumproduct is adding and not counting.

My data looks like this:
Date Minutes
7/1/2008 35.53
7/1/2008 6.78
7/1/2008 4.00
7/1/2008 32.43
7/1/2008 32.75
7/1/2008 25.68
7/1/2008 13.72
7/1/2008 18.33
7/1/2008 6.57
7/1/2008 8.65
7/1/2008 37.65
7/1/2008 27.43
7/1/2008 21.83
7/1/2008 19.55

I'm trying to find out how many times the time column shows less >5, in the
example since it's 14 rows & only 1 is less than 5 the result returned should
be 13.

I hope that makes things clearer.

Thank you for your help.

Roger Govier


Sorry, typo in my formula
Returned a result of 13 with your data.


Thanks Roger, that does work. The weird thing is that when I use that
formula I get different results compared to a report that uses the same data
for 1 week and a COUNTIF formula (=COUNTIF(B2:B1000,">5")
I do you have any idea why the results would be different?

Thanks again

Roger Govier


If the data is the same, the results will be the same.
Perhaps you have some data which is outside the week?
Perhaps you have a Text value of 5 rather than numeric in one of the rows?

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