If =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(H3:N3)),--(H3:N3=G3))*(B3="S") and
=SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(H3:N3)),--(H3:N3=G3))*(B3="S") each give 1, and if
those formulae are what you used in your conditional formatting test, it
should have triggered the conditional formatting.
Are you sure that you used "Formula Is" in CF, not "Cell Value Is"?
Are you sure that you did specify the format you want to use in the CF
[Sorry, the =SUMPRODUCT((in a cell. What value do you get? H3:N3
???)),(H3:N3=G3)) was a copy & paste hiccup, but you've tested enough to
see that the full condition is working.]
David Biddulph
Johndb said:
I am only an intermediate user, I hope the below helps you help me.
Put =B3="S" in a cell. What value do you get? True
Put =SUMPRODUCT((in a cell. What value do you get? H3:N3
in a cell.
What value do you get? #VALUE!
Put =SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(H3:N3)),(H3:N3=G3)) in a cell. What value do you
get? 0
Put =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(H3:N3)),--(H3:N3=G3))*(B3="S") in a cell. What
value do you get? 1
Put =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(H3:N3)),--(H3:N3=G3))*(B3="S") in a cell. What
value do you get? Same as above, 1.
If you still don't understand, you may need to go a step further and look
=ISNUMBER(H3) to =ISNUMBER(N3), and at =H3=$G3 to =N3=$G3
I don't understand this question/instruction.
For example: I would like to CF cell C3 based on the contents of cells
H3:N3 for cells C3:C37.
If B3 = "x" light green
If any cell in H3:N3 = "N" or "L" red
If any cell in H3:N3 > G3 pink
If any cell in H3:N3 = G3 AND B3 = "S" yellow
If any cell in H3:N3 = G3 AND B3 <> "S" gray
H3:N3 can contain Blanks, Text, or Numbers.
G3 can contain Text or Numbers.
Hope this helps.