I have a site that has been made with Frontpage. The frontpage
extension is installed on the server. The server is Windows 2000 and
Frontpage 2002. The site is set up on a host that have many websites,
this web has an adress to a portnumber servername:8050.
I tried to use a webcomponent, a hit counter from Frontpage.
If I view the name http://server/webname the hit counter is not
showing, I can see the that there should be somthing there, just an x.
Everything else work
If a use the http://servername:8050 the hitcounter is working as
expected. What I don't know is, what if the difference between to use
name and port on the counter.
Can anyone tell me.
I have a site that has been made with Frontpage. The frontpage
extension is installed on the server. The server is Windows 2000 and
Frontpage 2002. The site is set up on a host that have many websites,
this web has an adress to a portnumber servername:8050.
I tried to use a webcomponent, a hit counter from Frontpage.
If I view the name http://server/webname the hit counter is not
showing, I can see the that there should be somthing there, just an x.
Everything else work
If a use the http://servername:8050 the hitcounter is working as
expected. What I don't know is, what if the difference between to use
name and port on the counter.
Can anyone tell me.