Mick Bonser - newbold
To save time adding additional copies of the data to the individual
spreadsheet is there a way of combining this formula ?
=IF($e3="Male",Q3,"") for example
I have used this 'Master Sheet'!E3="Male", but I realise that as the
row changes this reference would not change. Does anyone know how I
could amend / replace this formula to give the required result
=IF('Master Sheet'!E3="Male",COUNTIF('Master Sheet'!Y3:Y203,">=31"))
spreadsheet is there a way of combining this formula ?
=IF($e3="Male",Q3,"") for example
I have used this 'Master Sheet'!E3="Male", but I realise that as the
row changes this reference would not change. Does anyone know how I
could amend / replace this formula to give the required result
=IF('Master Sheet'!E3="Male",COUNTIF('Master Sheet'!Y3:Y203,">=31"))