Access 2000
The following query does not count nulls, How can I
include the null count also?
SELECT Count(qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc) AS
CountOfTypeOfPatientDesc, qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc
FROM qStatsPtType
GROUP BY qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc
ORDER BY qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc;
This query returns a count of each Pt Type, If the pt
type is null, then it does not show in the results that X
number of records have a blank Pt Type.
The following query does not count nulls, How can I
include the null count also?
SELECT Count(qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc) AS
CountOfTypeOfPatientDesc, qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc
FROM qStatsPtType
GROUP BY qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc
ORDER BY qStatsPtType.TypeOfPatientDesc;
This query returns a count of each Pt Type, If the pt
type is null, then it does not show in the results that X
number of records have a blank Pt Type.