Count of a word in a specific Range in Excel

Aug 15, 2012
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I have an Excel wherein in column E & K i have a formula which derives words "Missing" & "Recon OK" or else its blank. I need assistance in preparing a macro which would display the Count of word "Missing" of each column (E & K) separately in message box.
Thanks in advance.
I could probably help you with a formula that will do it, but you'll need the help of someone who's good with VBA, which may take a while here. In the meantime, you could try Google or this site where I've learned a bit when I get stuck.

Good Luck!
Thanks Alow for giving that spark to the idea, i found an alternative way to do the above. I 1st derived the values using formula then referenced these values separately in the Message box using Macro.
Thanks again :cheers: