I have three columns in a spreadsheet that hold dates - occurrences of a case event (received, opened and closed). I am trying to calculate how many cases were received, opened and closed during a user defined period of time and display it on a Executive Dashboard tab. To do this I'm using the following for case received (Row H) on my case log tab.
=SUMPRODUCT(('Case Log'!H:H>=I8)*('Case Log'!H:H<=I9))
I8 and I9 represent the two user inputs for start date (I8) and end date (I9). I just need a simple count of all the dates which fall between I8 and I9.
My formula works perfectly well in Excel 2007; however, it does not work in Excel 2003. In Excel 2003 it gives a #NUM! error and I can't figure out why.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
=SUMPRODUCT(('Case Log'!H:H>=I8)*('Case Log'!H:H<=I9))
I8 and I9 represent the two user inputs for start date (I8) and end date (I9). I just need a simple count of all the dates which fall between I8 and I9.
My formula works perfectly well in Excel 2007; however, it does not work in Excel 2003. In Excel 2003 it gives a #NUM! error and I can't figure out why.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!