D Don Guillett Dec 12, 2009 #2 Look in the help index for SUBTOTAL and read the part about hidden non
R Rick Rothstein Dec 12, 2009 #3 If you meant using VBA code, something like this should work... Dim RangeToCount As String, VisibleRows As Long ..... ..... RangeToCount = "A1:A100" On Error Resume Next VisibleRows = Range(RangeToCount).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count
If you meant using VBA code, something like this should work... Dim RangeToCount As String, VisibleRows As Long ..... ..... RangeToCount = "A1:A100" On Error Resume Next VisibleRows = Range(RangeToCount).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count
R ryguy7272 Dec 12, 2009 #4 Lots of ideas for counting here: http://www.contextures.com/xlFunctions04.html Good info here too: http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/excel-subtotal-function.htm You need something like this: =SUBTOTAL(2,A1:A10)
Lots of ideas for counting here: http://www.contextures.com/xlFunctions04.html Good info here too: http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/excel-subtotal-function.htm You need something like this: =SUBTOTAL(2,A1:A10)
J Jacob Skaria Dec 12, 2009 #5 Ryan; function_num 2 is to include hidden values. To ignore hidden values the function_num is 102 =SUBTOTAL(102,A1:A100)
Ryan; function_num 2 is to include hidden values. To ignore hidden values the function_num is 102 =SUBTOTAL(102,A1:A100)
J Jacob Skaria Dec 12, 2009 #6 And I dont think the OP is looking for count() which gives the count of numerics instead OP is looking for "count non-hidden rows in a column?"
And I dont think the OP is looking for count() which gives the count of numerics instead OP is looking for "count non-hidden rows in a column?"