Molasses26 -
OK, then you can do it this way. This takes two queries. The first one
gets all the basic stats:
SELECT MeterReads.Meter, Year([ReadDate]) & "_" & Month([ReadDate]) AS
YearMo, Sum(-[Reads]) AS NumReads,
(DateDiff("d",DateSerial(Year([ReadDate]),Month([ReadDate]),1),DateSerial(Year([ReadDate]),Month([ReadDate])+1,1))) AS DaysInMonth
FROM MeterReads
WHERE (((MeterReads.Reads)=-1))
GROUP BY MeterReads.Meter, Year([ReadDate]) & "_" & Month([ReadDate]),
The second one just calculates the percents (assuming the name of the first
query is MeterReadStats (change as needed):
SELECT MeterReadStats.Meter, MeterReadStats.YearMo, MeterReadStats.NumReads,
MeterReadStats.DaysInMonth, [NumReads]/[DaysInMonth] AS PctReads
FROM MeterReadStats;
Daryl S
Molasses26 said:
When I run this all the PctReads come back with a value of 1 for every meter
so I don't think this is quite what I need.
Every meter does not have a row for each day of the month. They only have a
row on the days we got a read, so some meters will only have one row on one
day and some might have rows for 5 different days or some might have one for
every day. They will not have more than one row on a day tho.
Any further suggestions?
Daryl S said:
Molasses26 -
If every meter has one record per date, then you can do something like this
(use your table/field names):
SELECT MeterReads.Meter, -Sum([Reads])/Count([ReadDate]) AS PctReads,
Year([ReadDate]) & "_" & Month([ReadDate]) AS YearMo
FROM MeterReads
GROUP BY MeterReads.Meter, Year([ReadDate]) & "_" & Month([ReadDate]);
Daryl S
Molasses26 said:
I have the table below and the Reads field is a Yes/No field and I’m only
looking at the ones marked Yes so my data will look like this:
Meter RdDate Reads
1234 1/5/2010 -1
1234 1/6/2010 -1
1234 1/8/2010 -1
2345 1/6/2010 -1
2345 1/15/2010 -1
2345 1/26/2010 -1
2345 1/27/2010 -1
2345 1/28/2010 -1
I would like to create a query and report that will give me the number of
meters that have Reads=-1 for <=10% of the month, 11-20% of the month 21-30%
of the month, etc.
I am completely drawing a blank on this so any help you can give me would be
greatly appreciated!