I have a database that keeps track of clients. i have
several tables. i want to run a report that will show how
many clients in a given date were terminated with the
outcome of the termination (a client may choose to leave
the program and come back within the same month). I
created a qry that has clientSocialSecurityNo, termination
date, termination outcome and created a report based on
it. I put it so that the SSNO is grouped and it will show
the ssno, name and termination dates and outcomes. in the
report footer i put =Count(qryTerminationAndOutcome!
ClientSSNo), so that it can give me a total number of
clients terminated,
the problem is that is a client leaves and comes back the
same month, it is counting him/her twice. how can i do it
so that it will count the SSNo once. In the report, i
want it to show how many times a client left and came
back, but in the rpt header, i want it to count the SSNo,
several tables. i want to run a report that will show how
many clients in a given date were terminated with the
outcome of the termination (a client may choose to leave
the program and come back within the same month). I
created a qry that has clientSocialSecurityNo, termination
date, termination outcome and created a report based on
it. I put it so that the SSNO is grouped and it will show
the ssno, name and termination dates and outcomes. in the
report footer i put =Count(qryTerminationAndOutcome!
ClientSSNo), so that it can give me a total number of
clients terminated,
the problem is that is a client leaves and comes back the
same month, it is counting him/her twice. how can i do it
so that it will count the SSNo once. In the report, i
want it to show how many times a client left and came
back, but in the rpt header, i want it to count the SSNo,