I have tab which lists employees in col A10:A110. I need formula to count
from another list the occurances of emp X in a list on another tab where the
second col is "y"
I could not get countif(and(sheet2!C10:C500,=A10),(sheet2!D10
500,"y")) to
work but I think you see what I am trying for. I want to copy this formula
down Col b for all 100 employees. Using Dcount I don't think is appropriate
cause I don't want to set up 100+ criteria ranges. I need the criteria in
the formula.
Hope this is clear.
from another list the occurances of emp X in a list on another tab where the
second col is "y"
I could not get countif(and(sheet2!C10:C500,=A10),(sheet2!D10

work but I think you see what I am trying for. I want to copy this formula
down Col b for all 100 employees. Using Dcount I don't think is appropriate
cause I don't want to set up 100+ criteria ranges. I need the criteria in
the formula.
Hope this is clear.