One approach is to break the solution into three parts: create the
groupings, create the grouping fields (via a crosstab), and finally
generating the totals. A simple sample is shown below for these three
Create the groupings (Query named: CreateGroupings):
SELECT Employee.Company, Nz([NoOfEes],0) AS Employees, IIf(IsNull([NoofEes])
Or [NoOfEes]<=500,"0-500",IIf([NoOfEes]<=5000,"501-5000","Over 5000")) AS
FROM Employee;
Create the grouping fields (Query named: EmployeesCrosstab):
TRANSFORM Sum(CreateGroupings.Employees) AS SumOfEmployees
SELECT CreateGroupings.Company
FROM CreateGroupings
GROUP BY CreateGroupings.Company
PIVOT CreateGroupings.Group;
Generate the totals:
SELECT "Totals" AS Expr1, Count(EmployeesCrosstab.[0-500]) AS
[CountOf0-500], Count(EmployeesCrosstab.[501-5000]) AS [CountOf501-5000],
Count(EmployeesCrosstab.[Over 5000]) AS [CountOfOver 5000]
FROM EmployeesCrosstab
GROUP BY "Totals";
I included Null values in the NoOfEes field in the 0-500 group. This may or
may not be an issue, and may or may not be how you want to treat Null values
for this field.
David Lloyd
This response is supplied "as is" without any representations or warranties.
I want to count how many customers that meet a certain criteria.
I want to have three columns:
Field Name [NoofEes]
0-500 employees (this would include if null also)
501-5000 employees
Over 5000 employees
So if there are 75 customers with 450 employees, then in the field for 0-500
would be 75.
Any assistance would be appreciated.