If the report is grouped by spud-date month you can put one text box in the
group footer to give you a sub-count per month below each month's data, and
another in the report footer to give you the overall count. In each case the
ControlSource property of the text box will be;
If you want the sub-counts and overall count together then put 13 text boxes
in the report footer, one for each month, the other for the overall count.
The ControlSource properties for the first 12 text boxes will be:
=Sum(IIf(Month([Spud Date]) = 1,1,0))
=Sum(IIf(Month([Spud Date]) = 2,1,0))
=Sum(IIf(Month([Spud Date]) = 3,1,0))
and so on to:
=Sum(IIf(Month([Spud Date]) = 12,1,0))
For the final text box the ControlSource property will again be:
For the second method the report is not necessarily grouped by Spud Date, or
anything else for that matter.
If the report covers multiple years you can group it by spud-date year and
put the controls in the group footer rather than the report footer to give
you the counts per year.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
Pad_Name text
Well_Name text
Spud Date date
Completion Date date
Production Date date
I have a query built already and it lists everything fine, I even have a
report I did and it's all good. I just want to make it better now. I want to
be able in the summary part of my report. Count how many wells spud each
month and how many wells wells spud in a given year.
What does your data look like -- table and field names with datatype. Post
sample data and example of what that data should produce.
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
total of all wells spud in that year.
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