Count, Fields Calucation help

Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
Service Totals DataFirst NameLast NameProgram CodeService CodeCountOfProgram CodeMinutesSUMOFMEASUREMichaelSmithInhouseAA190 minutes1 hrs. 30 minutes.MichaelSmithInhouseMeeting245 minutes0 hrs. 45 minutes.MichaelSmithInhouseOC AA190 minutes1 hrs. 30 minutes.MichaelSmithInhouseOC Group160 minutes1 hrs. 0 minutes.MichaelSmithOutide SrvGroup160 minutes1 hrs. 0 minutes.MichaelSmithOutide SrvOC Group160 minutes1 hrs. 0 minutes.StephenHenryInhouseAA490 minutes1 hrs. 30 minutes.StephenHenryOutide SrvGroup160 minutes1 hrs. 0 minutes.StephenHenryOutide SrvMeeting145 minutes0 hrs. 45 minutes.

SELECT [Service DATA Qry].[First Name], [Service DATA Qry].[Last Name], [Service DATA Qry].[Program Code], [Service DATA Qry].[Service Code], Count([Service DATA Qry].[Program Code]) AS [CountOfProgram Code], [Unit of Measure] & " minutes" AS Minutes, Int([Unit of Measure]/60) & " hrs. " & ([Unit of Measure] Mod 60 & " minutes.") AS SUMOFMEASURE
FROM [Service DATA Qry]
GROUP BY [Service DATA Qry].[First Name], [Service DATA Qry].[Last Name], [Service DATA Qry].[Program Code], [Service DATA Qry].[Service Code], [Unit of Measure] & " minutes", Int([Unit of Measure]/60) & " hrs. " & ([Unit of Measure] Mod 60 & " minutes.")
ORDER BY [Service DATA Qry].[First Name], [Service DATA Qry].[Last Name], [Service DATA Qry].[Program Code];

Above is a sample of my Test Data and the SQL of the query that created the display. Here is my problem: I need the counted [CountofProgram Code] to be multipied by Minutes and the field SumofMeasure reflect that multiplication. i.e

MichaelSmithInhouseMeeting245 minutes0 hrs. 45 minutes

2 * 45 minutes = 1 hrs. 30 minutes

Since the fields are calculated in the query i can't get this to work. and i am clueless to how to do it in VBA. ANY help would be appreciated