Hi there,
Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to count blank cells on a sheet
then place the result in the cell it was counted from. Assumeing it has
a result itself.
In each cell I have have =IF(COUNTIF(A7:B7:C7
7:E7:F7, "1")=1,"1","
"). Looking to count how far between common results.
for example
| 1 |
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| 4 |
I have had a look at COUNTBLANK but I don't think thats going to work
for me.
Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to count blank cells on a sheet
then place the result in the cell it was counted from. Assumeing it has
a result itself.
In each cell I have have =IF(COUNTIF(A7:B7:C7

"). Looking to count how far between common results.
for example
| 1 |
| |
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| 4 |
I have had a look at COUNTBLANK but I don't think thats going to work
for me.