There are many posts about counting forward a number of days, but has anyone
been able to start at a "due date" and put a number of days in that you want
to count back to see when you have to start the task? I have a group of
people releasing documents and they want to know when they have to start
reviews, etc. based upon when the document has to be released.
If Outlook cannot do this and anyone knows of a third party tool, please
post that as well.
Barbara B.
been able to start at a "due date" and put a number of days in that you want
to count back to see when you have to start the task? I have a group of
people releasing documents and they want to know when they have to start
reviews, etc. based upon when the document has to be released.
If Outlook cannot do this and anyone knows of a third party tool, please
post that as well.
Barbara B.