Councils selling off electoral role info

Even though I have a no junk mail sign and there is another no junk mail sign on the main door to the building, I still get tonnes of junk mail. It is annoying. I have even chased one of the pesky leaflet people out of the building.....


I have a no junk mail sign on the door aswell.

If I get a leaflet through I call the company and ask if the people they employ are such remedials that they cannot read signs on peoples doors informing them not to post non solicited mail through

they apologise.

I then tell them if it happens again I will make a formal complaint

It usually works
I read that in The Metro today on my train journey. I get very little junk mail addressed to my name but a lelluva lot of junk mail in my post box, mostly restaurants and estate agents. I am not fond of estate agents, to put it politely.

I have been considering bagging up all the junk mail and travelling to one of it's advertisers and tipping the lot all over their desk or food counter. But I haven't yet.

Another idea I could suggest to any residents' committee is perhaps a full size gallows outside that we could swing junk mail posters from. That would be fun but I dare say the killjoys would vote me down...
I post it back to them & forget to put a stamp on it on the envelope i use!:lol:
Another local friendly council service! :rolleyes:

Well of course it`s because of govermental cut backs,they have to get cash from some where,otherwise their bonuses will be cut as will the "remuneration" paid to them...poor dears.
As I have retired from a local authority I can honestly say that the plebs (who make up the majority of workers in LG) get bonuses. The problem with Local Authorities is empire building and having too many layers of management. The new wheeze in LG is the zero hours contracts for guess who the low payed workers like Home Helps for the elderly and the disabled ( that is if they haven't already been outsourced to private companies who also use zero hours contracts) cleaners and admin staff. It is top management who get the golden hand shakes, I think that is for wearing a suit, avoiding getting their hands dirty and many are cosy with the politicians, it is a dirty world up there :mad:
Must admit my only experience of working for a council was four years with Lambeth Council.

Bad, very bad.

All I saw were people targetting other people, petty disputes, arguments, heavy union involvment over nothing, attempted empire building, people taking the Mick and absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

I wonder why councils attract these type of workers?

Sometimes when I see one or more people in the street holding clipboards or notebooks, with a half hearted attempt to look smart, I think 'Council workers' you can spot 'em a mile off.