Not quite on topic I know (you couldn't pay me enough to be a teacher)
But I heard recently that they're introducing the wearing of body armor at some schools in the UK!
Is that true?
John says it's about blo*dy time
He was shot in the back at school when he was 14
By kids who didn't even know him but were just trying out their new toy
(& I'm not talking about a bird gun)
Ironic thing is, the teacher who saw it was so busy telling the kids with the gun off
They didn't even notice John
& when he got home all his mum did was tell him off for ruining his anorak & getting blood all over his clothes

funny thin is, from where the scar is, if it hadn't deflected off a rib he'd've drowned in his own blood in minutes.
& he had to have had a broken rib
but he was never even taken to hospital!
Now he'll be fifty next year so this was a few years ago & I doubt things have improved since.
But, although he was smart enough to win a national prize in the one subject where a teacher took the time to bond with the kids & was gifted enough to actually teach them in the appalling conditions most teachers work in.
The school system itself failed him so miserably that he came out of it not even knowing what a vowel was!
& it's not the teachers' faults either
The classrooms were so packed that they were little more than 'holding pens' for the kids.
And 'traditional discipline' had no more effect than any of the 'softer' more 'psychologicaly appropriate' (

) methods used today.
(personally I think any method loses it's effect once it becomes the norm & is taken for granted)
I have to say that I personally think that the whole system is failing miserably.
Kids are learning little
and teachers are overworked
& generally disillusioned.
I'm afraid that I think the entire system needs to be torn down & rebuilt from scratch.
Trouble is I have no clue as to how to accomplish this