I could use a little help from a good code writer out there. I found
some code and modified it a bit for my needs but, I need a little help
to finish it up. What I am trying to due is to get a number to fill out
a text box on my form. I want it to look at the form and get the
CampStartDate and my CampEndDate also to look at a table of holidays.
Then I want the text box to be filled with the number of days they will
be staying that do not fall on a fri sat or sun or holiday. The code I
have below is able to look at single date and determine if it is a fri,
sat, sun or holiday. When it is it returns a -1 value. I would like
to incorporate this code to do what I asked above. It's just a little
out of my league. Anyone that could help I would appreciate it.
Option Compare Database
Function DiscRate(TheDate) As Integer
DiscRate = False
TheDate = Format(TheDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
' Test for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
If WeekDay(TheDate) = 6 Or WeekDay(TheDate) = 7 Or WeekDay(TheDate)
= 1 Then
DiscRate = True
' Test for Holiday.
ElseIf Not IsNull(DLookup("HoliDate", "Holidays", "[HoliDate]=#" _
& TheDate & "#")) Then
DiscRate = True
End If
End Function
some code and modified it a bit for my needs but, I need a little help
to finish it up. What I am trying to due is to get a number to fill out
a text box on my form. I want it to look at the form and get the
CampStartDate and my CampEndDate also to look at a table of holidays.
Then I want the text box to be filled with the number of days they will
be staying that do not fall on a fri sat or sun or holiday. The code I
have below is able to look at single date and determine if it is a fri,
sat, sun or holiday. When it is it returns a -1 value. I would like
to incorporate this code to do what I asked above. It's just a little
out of my league. Anyone that could help I would appreciate it.
Option Compare Database
Function DiscRate(TheDate) As Integer
DiscRate = False
TheDate = Format(TheDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
' Test for Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
If WeekDay(TheDate) = 6 Or WeekDay(TheDate) = 7 Or WeekDay(TheDate)
= 1 Then
DiscRate = True
' Test for Holiday.
ElseIf Not IsNull(DLookup("HoliDate", "Holidays", "[HoliDate]=#" _
& TheDate & "#")) Then
DiscRate = True
End If
End Function