This is a P3 733 MHz with an P34VX. The computer is on 24x7 - only the
monitor gets turned off when not in use, the disks are on and the system
does not go into standby or hibernate. One of the reason it's on 24x7 is
that if turned off, turning it on is a problem. And, when one succeeds in
turning it goes into the BIOS with the CPU speed set to Manual and a warning
that the CPU has been changed so its requesting the speed be set. I set it
at 733 and then all is well. Also, I've noticed the clock will need to be
reset once it goes into Windows as the time goes back to 1999 or some such
year. Could run for days / weeks until for whatever reason it gets turned
off. Because of the flaky behavior I've connected it to a UPS so your
normal brownout has no effect.
So what happens when it gets turned off? Typically, pressing the power
button has no response at all. It's totally dead. I then typically flip it
on it's side and open the case. There have been times when with the case
open pressing the power button has brought it back to life. It happened
again earlier this evening. With the computer open on it's side I actually
had to unplug it twice and replug it before it sprung to life. Some flaky
capacitor on the mother-board? Bad battery? If it's a bad battery,
wouldn't the only problem be that it wouldn't remember any bios settings?
Why would it refuse to start until I jumped through some still to be
determined mysterious set of steps.
Any insights into what the problem is would be greatly appreciated.
monitor gets turned off when not in use, the disks are on and the system
does not go into standby or hibernate. One of the reason it's on 24x7 is
that if turned off, turning it on is a problem. And, when one succeeds in
turning it goes into the BIOS with the CPU speed set to Manual and a warning
that the CPU has been changed so its requesting the speed be set. I set it
at 733 and then all is well. Also, I've noticed the clock will need to be
reset once it goes into Windows as the time goes back to 1999 or some such
year. Could run for days / weeks until for whatever reason it gets turned
off. Because of the flaky behavior I've connected it to a UPS so your
normal brownout has no effect.
So what happens when it gets turned off? Typically, pressing the power
button has no response at all. It's totally dead. I then typically flip it
on it's side and open the case. There have been times when with the case
open pressing the power button has brought it back to life. It happened
again earlier this evening. With the computer open on it's side I actually
had to unplug it twice and replug it before it sprung to life. Some flaky
capacitor on the mother-board? Bad battery? If it's a bad battery,
wouldn't the only problem be that it wouldn't remember any bios settings?
Why would it refuse to start until I jumped through some still to be
determined mysterious set of steps.
Any insights into what the problem is would be greatly appreciated.