Could not load type 'System.Web.Security.AccessRoleProvider'

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dominick Baier
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Dominick Baier


all Access providers were removed in RTM - i think you can download them
(or move to a proper db ;))

hmm - i just did a quick google but i can't find them
well - the class this config element is referring to

<add name="AspNetAccessProvider2"
connectionStringName="AccessFileName" applicationName="/"></add>

is not included anymore in .NET 2.0 - it was there in beta times...

makes sense?
In order to install BackupExec v11, I needed to remove .NET Framework 2.0
BETA and install .NET Framework 2.0. When the BETA version was removed, all
apps reverted to 1.1. I have since run aspnet_regiis.exe -i to update the
app but since I get the error listed on the subject line.

This is what is returned:

Line 46: <roleManager enabled="true">
Line 47: <providers>
Line 48: <add name="AspNetAccessProvider2"
connectionStringName="AccessFileName" applicationName="/"></add>
Line 49: </providers>
Line 50: </roleManager>

This is a .NET app connected to a MS Access db also using the ASPNetdb.mdb

Dominick Baier said:
all Access providers were removed in RTM - i think you can download them
(or move to a proper db ;))

hmm - i just did a quick google but i can't find them

I'm not sure what you're referring to re: access providers. I didn't write
the app.

Re: moving to a "proper db", the app will one day reside on SQL so I can get
away from the MS Access nightmare but not feasible at the moment.

Dominick Baier said:
well - the class this config element is referring to

<add name="AspNetAccessProvider2"
connectionStringName="AccessFileName" applicationName="/"></add>

is not included anymore in .NET 2.0 - it was there in beta times...

makes sense?

Yes. So can I just remove the line?
i don't think so - there must be some functionality relying on the configuration

think of role providers as drivers for some datastore to get application
(security) roles from - the "driver" for Access has been removed from the
..NET Framework. Thats the issue.

I guess you will break the application if you remove it...
Roland Hall said:
Yes. So can I just remove the line?

I removed the line and now I'm here:
Theme 'White' cannot be found in the application or global theme directories

I like dominoes but this is ridiculous.
Roland Hall said:
I removed the line and now I'm here:
Theme 'White' cannot be found in the application or global theme

I modified the <providers></providers> to <providers/> since it no longer
contained anything and now I'm here:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When
connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that
under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating
Server/Instance Specified)

looking at the ASP.NET config I see, LocalSqlServer with connect parameters:
data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated

Problem is, I don't have SQLEXPRESS. I have SQL Server but not using it for
this app. I'm using MS Access.

My data directory is \websites\sedg\data\aspnetdb.mdb

Can I replace the connection string with an OLEDB connection to MS Access?
Hello Roland,

You should contact the author of the application (which isn't you, as I
understand) and ask for a version of the application that is compatible
with .NET 2.0 final (as opposed to beta). It is impossible to judge from
the outside what changes may be required in the application to make it
work, and it's more than likely that you won't be able to make those
changes yourself.

Oliver Sturm
Dominick Baier said:
i don't think so - there must be some functionality relying on the
configuration -
think of role providers as drivers for some datastore to get application
(security) roles from - the "driver" for Access has been removed from the
.NET Framework. Thats the issue.

I guess you will break the application if you remove it...

It was already broken. (O:=

I'm currently referencing this: