Could not find MyAction.Installstate

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I made a MSI to deploy a service, and it worked well. I added a custom
action to create a sub-folder after the installation commit phase, but it
return a message
"Could not find file MyAction.Installstate". The executable can be run
successfully. Any body can give a hand?

thanks in advance
Did you right-click where the special folders are & created your own custome
folder? Did your installer create the said directory? Also, have you added a
any file to that directory?

I did the following tasks:
1. Created a sub-folder in the Application Folder and it was empty
After MSI installed, this folder was not created.

2. I created an executable who creates the sub-folder, and manually running
is sucessfully.
3. I added this file into the Application Folder, but I received the above

Sorry, I have one more task after 3.
4. Added the executable into Custom Actions in the Commit phase.
With that folder you wanted to create: Did you set the 'AlwaysCreate'
property to True in your installation project?

Once you created the folder, go to the properties window & change the above
Hi Crouchie,

'AlwaysCreate' set to false, it is why the folder was not created.

Currently, I replaced the executable by a vb script, which can create the
folder and copy the files from one folder to another successfully. However, I
still can't registrer a dll from this script. (seems MSI doesn't like

From my experience, successfully running an executable or a script manually
doesn't mean that they can be executed from MSI successfully.

Thanks for your help
I had the same error, but it was related to where I wanted to install a service.

I had an INI and an Icon file that were also being outputed to the Application Folder within the Installer project. I think my problem came in when I specified another location ([TARGETDIR]) during my installation of the service than the default [ProgramFilesFolder][ManufacturerPath]\blah that it has in one of those installer properties. I needed to simulate on my Dev server how Production is, though - with a D: drive as to where Program Files are really stored. Problem is on my Dev server, doing an "echo %ProgramFiles%" on a command prompt shows my Program Files directory is on my C:, not D: (opposite of Production). So when I told it to install to a D: location (even though D: was really just a map back to my C$ share on my Dev server), it did not work and I got the error in this post. When I told it to install to C:, it did work. It's funny, though, because the files still tracked with my D: location and would copy what I specified in the installer project when I chose D: instead of C: - it was only at the end of the installation where I would get the error and everything would get rolled back/deleted. Maybe an edge case, but might help someone.