Al said:
The price of $7-9 for the 1.5 oz. of ink in the #45 is not too bad
when somebody else is doing the refill. Ink can cost up to $4/oz. I
buy cheaper bulk ink myself. I wish I had one of those ink fill
adapters. I have my own system. When I remove the fill ball at the
bottom, I tap the hole and taper the edge. Then I close it up with a
tapered machine screw. I have used hot melt glue, but this screw is
the surest leak free method for me. My method takes a little time, but
I use those carts for so many repeat fills that it still pays.
PS. 21ml is nowhere close to 45g.
Are you sure it would cost around $4 to refill ourselves. I don't count
but I paid around $20-25 (don't remember) for 6 bottles of ink for my Epson
RX680, and I have refilled somewhere around more/less 10 times and most of
them still have around 1/2 left, and the Yellow has around 1/3 left, the
Light M has around 2/5 left.
And I am using the clear refillable ink catridges without foam inside.
Ohhh.. I think you mean $4 per OZ of ink *not* $4 per refill. I think you
are right.
And *if* you use the refillable ink cartridge then it's much easier to
refill, and you don't need to take your time as the old needle method. Cuz.
- The refillable ink catridge is a special clear ink cartridge with no foam
inside. Or you can see think ink level inside.
- The catridge has 2 holes and comes with PLUG
- All you need to do is
a. getting ink in the syringe (no needle)
b. Push the end of syringe into one hole firmly
c. Instead of pumping ink into the cartridge you PULL the flunger to
create VACUMM, lets go of the flunger and the vacumm inside the
catridge will suck the ink in equal the air being sucked out. And you
can use the catridge right away without having to wait, and there should
be no bubble issue. Or no cleaning needed