in message
Anyone know the approximate cost for ink and paper per page is?
Black & White
I'm not splitting any atoms here; some years ago it was anywhere
from 40¢ to 80¢
Many thanks.
Quality of paper.
Wholesale or volume versus retail purchase of paper.
Inkjet cartridge supplier.
Discount or full retail price on ink cartridge.
Printing plain text, text w/images, or photographic-quality images.
Reverse printing (white on black on white paper) versus normal (black
on white paper)
Draft versus normal versus high-quality print modes.
Letting cartridges dry out so their ports get plugged with dry ink
that results in trashing a cartridge with ink still in it (i.e., not
using the cartridge enough to keep the jets clean).
Whether you are purchasing cartridges for late model, antiquated
models, rare models, or popular models of printers.
Which brand of printer, availability of cartridges, production volume,
number 3rd party cartridge suppliers, market competition.
I'm sure there are lots of other factors to the cost per page. Since
only you know which brand and model of inkjet printer that you have or
are considering to purchase, what paper you will use, what you will
print, and if you will buy the brand-name retail cartridges, 3rd party
cartridge suppliers, or refill the cartridges is only known to you
since none of that was divulged in your post.
You obviously have Internet access. Do your own research on whatever
you use or intend to use.