Cost of validating windows

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick
  • Start date Start date
Tthe only thing it costs is a small amount of your time (about 5 minutes).
The procedure is straight forward, just log onto the internet and click on
the activation option on the start menu (or the icon in the sytem tray if it
is showing) and away you go.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

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of, or inability to use, information or opinions expressed in this mail..
Cost whom?

The question refers to the dollar amount? As an MS-MVP you probably
didn't understand a most difficult question when the person is
referring to himself not to whom!
Rick said:
What does it cost to validate Windows XP?

Shenan said:
Cost whom?
The question refers to the dollar amount? As an MS-MVP you probably
didn't understand a most difficult question when the person is
referring to himself not to whom!

No. The question is ambiguous.
Anyone should see that clearly and ask for clarification..

The OP never clarifies the question..
"What does it cost to validate Windows XP?"

Is the OP asking:
- What it costs Microsoft in dollars for each validation?
- What it cost for Microsoft to come up with and maintain the methods of
- What does it cost the consumer (and is it in money or time?) to validate
Windows XP?

Or was the OP simply trying to stir up more unnecessary commentary in the
wrong forum about the validation process?

Asking for clarification is the normal part of the discussion process.

You came here to stir up trouble - not discuss anything - otherwise your
reply would have contained more than insults and perhaps - thinking you knew
what the OP was asking - an answer or at least an opinion on the actual meat
of the thread.

Sorry - my ESP and crystal ball seem to be malfunctioning..
Yours seem to be fine so I will leave the rest of what I am thinking off
this reply - as you already know what it is, eh?
'Jose Juan Miqueleno' wrote:
| The question refers to the dollar amount? As an MS-MVP you probably
| didn't understand a most difficult question when the person is
| referring to himself not to whom!

'Cost whom?' is correct English. 'Validation of Windows XP cost me no
money.' is correct English.
'Cost who?' would be incorrect. 'Validation of Windows XP cost I no money.'
would be incorrect English.
For the end user there is no monetary cost to validate Windows XP.
Thus 'Cost whom? is a reasonable question (asking for clarification) in
reply to 'What does it cost to validate Windows XP?'.
Reading the question as written, I would guess the cost to Microsoft to be
less than $0.005 US for normal validation over the Internet.

English borrows its structure and vocabulary from many languages. Though
English and other languages can be very expressive and precise, language can
not be expected to force logic and precision on the user (the original
poster in this case.) {Let me make a small qualification; some programming
languages claim to enforce logic and precision.}

Several who replied guessed at the intention of the original poster.
'Shenan Stanley' chose to ask for a clarification. Though the request for
clarification could have been 'Cost to you, the end user?', but that is not
as snappy B^)

Phil Weldon

| On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 10:13:44 -0500, "Shenan Stanley"
| >Rick wrote:
| >> What does it cost to validate Windows XP?
| >
| >Cost whom?
| >
| >--
| >Shenan Stanley
| > MS-MVP
| The question refers to the dollar amount? As an MS-MVP you probably
| didn't understand a most difficult question when the person is
| referring to himself not to whom!