Been busy --
Union query --
SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "TGLLAHIR" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.TGLLAHIR AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "TGLBPTIS_M" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.TGLBPTIS_M AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "TGL_pen" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.TGL_pen AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "ATSPERCA_M" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.ATSPERCA_M AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "ATSSUR1_K" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.ATSSUR1_K AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "KMATIAN_K" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.KMATIAN_K AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "KELMURT_K" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.KELMURT_K AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby
UNION SELECT bukuangkby.STAT_CODE, bukuangkby.JnsAngt, bukuangkby.FName,
bukuangkby.MName, bukuangkby.LName, bukuangkby.JenisKel, "KELHILA_K" AS
[DateType], bukuangkby.KELHILA_K AS TheDate
FROM bukuangkby;
TRANSFORM Count(FrankS_Union.TheDate) AS CountOfTheDate
SELECT FrankS_Union.DateType, Count(FrankS_Union.TheDate) AS [Total Of
FROM FrankS_Union
GROUP BY FrankS_Union.DateType
PIVOT Format([TheDate],"mmm") In
TRANSFORM Count(FrankS_Union.TheDate) AS CountOfTheDate
SELECT FrankS_Union.STAT_CODE, FrankS_Union.JnsAngt, FrankS_Union.DateType,
Count(FrankS_Union.TheDate) AS [Total Of DateType]
FROM FrankS_Union
GROUP BY FrankS_Union.STAT_CODE, FrankS_Union.JnsAngt, FrankS_Union.DateType
PIVOT Format([TheDate],"mmm") In
Build a little - Test a little
Hello Karl:
I do not seem to have received your response, in case you have not received
here again below the name of the fields. I appreciate your help, this would
be a great help for us.
Thanks Karl for your willingness to help me.
The name of my table is : bukuangkby
The fieldnames, I just mentioned the one that relates to building a
Field name Meaning in English
======== ===========
1. STAT_CODE Status whether Active, or Passive or Move
2. JnsAngt Member Type ( Church member or Sabbath School Mem)
3. FName First Name
4. MName Middle Name
5. LName Last Name
6. JenisKel Gender
7. TGLLAHIR Date of Birth
8. TGLBPTIS_M Date Baptized
9. TGL_pen Date Accepted thru transfer
10.ATSPERCA_M Date accepted as member thru faith confession
11.ATSSUR1_K Date Quit thru transfer
12. KMATIAN_K Date of Quit for passed away
13. KELMURT_K Date of Quit becaause of backsliding
14.KELHILA_K Date of Quite for Unknown so reported as lost
The table structure is that all of the fields are in the record but we want
to have a kind of statistics in the 12 months format for:
2 kind of statistics
![Frown :( :(](/styles/default/custom/smilies/frown.gif)
from inception and for 12 months of current year)
1. From incepttion todate for Row Tittle JnsAngt, column STAT_CODE
2. From Inception todate for JenisKel Column title STAT_CODE
3. 12 months of Current Year : Row title:JnsAngt Column tittle is for All
dates (fields no. 7 to 14).
Sorry Karl to bother you. My software is almost complete and waiting for
this. Actually I want to donate this software to my denomination.
Thanks in advance for your great help
H. Frank Situmorang
Post your table structure with the actual field names your table has.
Build a little - Test a little
Sorry Karl, I forgot to copy paste Duane's suggestion: here it is
SELECT [FName],[MName],[LName], "TGLLAHIR" as DateType, [TGLLAHIR] As
TheDate FROM bukuangkby UNION ALL SELECT [FName],[MName],[LName],
[FName],[MName],[LName], "TGL DITERIMA", [TGL_pen] FROM bukuangkby UNION ALL
SELECT [FName],[MName],[LName], "TGLKELUAR", [ATSSUR1_K] FROM bukuangkby;
And here is the crosstab, but I can not make it like yours from Jan to Dec
with option of Year:
TRANSFORM Count([bukuangkby Query_statistics2].TheDate) AS CountOfTheDate
SELECT [bukuangkby Query_statistics2].FName, [bukuangkby
Query_statistics2].MName, [bukuangkby Query_statistics2].LName,
Count([bukuangkby Query_statistics2].TheDate) AS [Total Of TheDate]
FROM [bukuangkby Query_statistics2]
GROUP BY [bukuangkby Query_statistics2].FName, [bukuangkby
Query_statistics2].MName, [bukuangkby Query_statistics2].LName
PIVOT [bukuangkby Query_statistics2].DateType;
Thanks a lot
H. Frank Situmorang
Carrying Duane's union query (Named FrankS) through into the crosstab ---
TRANSFORM Count(FrankS.TheDate) AS CountOfTheDate
SELECT Replace([DateType],"Date","Number") AS Activity
GROUP BY Replace([DateType],"Date","Number")
PIVOT Format([TheDate],"mmm") In
Build a little - Test a little
What is so dynamic about months of the year. They have been Jan - Dec for as
long as I can remember and I don't think they will ever change ;-)
I believe your issue again is one of un-normalized table structure. You
would need to use a union query to normalize all the dates:
SELECT [Name], "Date Of Birth" as DateType, [Date Of Birth] As TheDate
FROM tblNoName
SELECT [Name], "Date Of Membership", [Date accepted as member]
FROM tblNoName
SELECT [Name], "Date Baptized", [Date of Baptized]
FROM tblNoName
SELECT [Name], "Date Quit", [Date Quit as member]
FROM tblNoName;
You can then make a crosstab query from the union query.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
In my church membership table I have these fields:
1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Date accepted as member
4. Date of Baptized
5. Date Quit as member
My question is how can I make a query for statistics in order to know how
many member do we have for each field in 12 months which can be dynamic:
So the outlay is more or less as follows:
Jan Feb Mar...............Dec Total
Number of birht x 0 xx ............... xx
Num of New member xx .................................. xx
Numb of Baptized 0 x 0 3 xx
and so forth
Thanks for anyidea provided.