Another guy who can't help but inject nonsense.
One guy (not you) was smart enough to start to answer the question;
It does not tell us what is corrupt about the mails. WE DON'T CARE.
What causes car crashes? Lots of things.
I want to know how if someone is mailing these "corrupt emails" out on
purpose, like a virus or spam and if ISPs can stop them, or if checking
one's email account too often causes these emails to be come corrupt.
I don't really know or care what is corrupt about them. I am not trying to
uncorrupt them.
For some inescent crazy reason, you do, but I don't and earthlink doesn't.
Start your own off-base topic about it if you need to.
I was asked to define what I meant by "corrupt email" which I did with a
link to google
It demonstrates what I mean when I say that "corrupt emails" occur, and
that they can cause messages to get stuck in your inbox.
I'm not talking about Outlook 2003 "corrupt emails", or Antivirus "corrupt
emails", or "my imaginary expertise makes my neuurons fire off and ask
irrelevant questions". No, I am specifically talking about the the kind
of "corrupt emails" that are in this google link.
The messages I get come from spammers, like I said.
At the same time I am trying to keep away the noisy and fruitless spam-like
insults from people like you who have absolutely no answers.
No one needs Lego insults. They are stupid. Yours are poorly written, not at
all web-worthy.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way, but please stop obstructing
I thought I had stumbled into a first time AOL users
group when viewing this post.
Yo Marvin, Do you tell people to f*ck off if they open a
door for you ? or do you give the finger to people that
slow down so you can cross the road ?
Well you sure did that here. This is a peer-peer group,
nobody gets paid, yet you come in here all high and
mighty and asked a question that you yourself posted the
google link for the answer ? And when several people take
their time to try and help you, you turn around and flame
them ?
And what is this crap you post
"Remember I said - Authoratative answers only please" WTF
do you think this is ? PSS support at $225 an hour ? Its
clear to me that ALL the people that answered you are far
more up to speed tben you. Surprised Comcast has not shut
down your account yet.
And in viewing your post "Where do these corrupt emails
come from? Why can't my ISP stop them." And you claim
the people that respond to you are stupid !!! If you are
so smart, you would look at the senders header and get an
idea who is sending them. Why do you get them ? Most get
them from posting their real email address. Duh....
But then you sound like a testerone high teen who has
nothing better to do then to be a troll and give good
people a hard time. Your garbage postings to the SQL
groups makes it clear you have no concept in the computer
world of things.
So grow up little boy, little minds like yours are better
spent building and then destroying Lego toys. The people
on the Usenet do not need to listen to your moronic
comments. Get a Life, but not here, you are not welcome
at all.
-----Original Message-----
Oh geez, the flamer who butts in with useless answers, carrying only a spell
checker in his arsenal.
Bye butthead. Thanks for your help.
Tedd Riggs said:
I am not the stupid one here Marvin, you cannot even decide if you have
corrupt email or not.
You might try WebTV, it would be far better for a room
temperature IQ
like you.
"Authoratative", "courrupt"
what making up new words now ? At least I am stupid enough to know how to
turn on a spell checker.
Don't try to be an expert on my talent or anyone
else's since you know
about me.
One more moron on my block list. Goodbye Idiot !
Tedd Riggs
PDA Square Content Developer
Redmond, WA
anything illegal or
not email address is
really all kinds of Spam
to rules to block these
and one form or
tips & tricks in
your can't my ISP stop
them. these all over?