Corrupt Admin pass



When windows XP boots I get a message ISASS.EXE System
Error. And a message about the password not being
correct. It will reboot forever like this. If I start
the repair mode it asks for the Admin pass, and no pass I
input (I use a few on a rotating basis) works.

I'm stuck, is there a way to reset the pass or boot from
from the CD drive while able to acess the C: too.

Mostly what I want are my personal files off the C:
drive. Then I can clean install without problem.


I know you can not log in so you will have to get a buddy to do this.
Go to and download the ISO image for the version of linux. You can boot off of the cd and load the OS. This gives you full access to your drive. It even has a cd burner program and supports USB. You can plug in a USB cd burner and save your files. Or plug in a USB thumb drive, or even a second IDE drive. After saving your files, you can reload the PC. That is the least expensive way. There is third party software you can buy to reset the password. But can be pricey for a one time thing.

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