Hello, I was wondering if you fine people could help me
with a problem I have come across. You see I have all of
my hardware correct installed on my computer and all the
needed software as well. But for some reason I can not
get my system fan to operate. My CPU fan is operating
correctly but my system fan still will not operate. I
went to my motherboard's company site to look to see if I
could find the correct cord setup procedure with no
luck. So I was wondering if any of you know how or know
of a website that knows how to correctly setup a
computer's internal cords to its hardware. I would truly
appreciate it if anyone could help me with this
situation. I hope you respond soon, thank you for your
with a problem I have come across. You see I have all of
my hardware correct installed on my computer and all the
needed software as well. But for some reason I can not
get my system fan to operate. My CPU fan is operating
correctly but my system fan still will not operate. I
went to my motherboard's company site to look to see if I
could find the correct cord setup procedure with no
luck. So I was wondering if any of you know how or know
of a website that knows how to correctly setup a
computer's internal cords to its hardware. I would truly
appreciate it if anyone could help me with this
situation. I hope you respond soon, thank you for your