Corporate Holiday file

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Is there a way to push the Corporate holidays to all users using a GPO or
some other method, rather than sending the file to all users with
instructions on how to install it?

Thank You.
We use a shared calendar at work and have all users view it in overlay mode.
We also track vacations and such on it.

You could do something similar by creating a calendar with all the holidays
on it. Then you could email it as an ical file - when people double click
it, it would get added to their store automatically as a new calendar.

To deploy it via policy would (probably) require writing a utility to import
the calendar items from the source and then export them to the user's local
calendar. Add that script to everyone's login scripts. Cumbersome,
admittedly, but puts the burden on IT instead of the users.
Hi i´ve been using this ( appointments is in danish, but im sure you get the

'Outlook 2003 - Import af Helligdage/Fridage

Dim strAppointment,FixedAppointment

FixedAppointment = "Juleaftensdag 2015"

Const olFolderCalendar = 9

Const olAppointmentItem = 1

Const olOutOfOffice = 3

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Set objCalendar = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)

Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

For Each strAppointment In objCalendar.Items

If strAppointment = FixedAppointment Then



objDictionary.Add "Januar 1, 2007", "Nytårsdag"

objDictionary.Add "April 1, 2007", "Palmesøndag"

objDictionary.Add "April 5, 2007", "Skærtorsdag"

objDictionary.Add "April 6, 2007", "Langfredag"

objDictionary.Add "April 8, 2007", "PÃ¥skedag"

objDictionary.Add "April 27, 2007", "Pinsedag"

objDictionary.Add "April 28, 2007", "2. Pinsedag"

objDictionary.Add "Juni 5, 2007", "Grundlovsdag"

objDictionary.Add "December 24, 2007", "Juleaftensdag"

objDictionary.Add "December 25, 2007", "1. juledag"

objDictionary.Add "December 26, 2007", "2. juledag"

objDictionary.Add "Januar 1, 2008", "Nytårsdag"

objDictionary.Add "December 24, 2015", "Juleaftensdag 2015"

colKeys = objDictionary.Keys

For Each strKey in colKeys

dtmHolidayDate = strKey

strHolidayName = objDictionary.Item(strKey)

Set objHoliday = objOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

objHoliday.Subject = strHolidayName

objHoliday.Start = dtmHolidayDate & " 9:00 AM"

objHoliday.End = dtmHolidayDate & " 16:30 PM"

objHoliday.AllDayEvent = True

objHoliday.ReminderSet = False

objHoliday.BusyStatus = olOutOfOffice




End if
