Corner Peel Search

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Quite frequently when I go to a web page the top right corner starts peeling
down and waves back and forth. if I move my cursor over it it peels back
more to reveal a search page. I would like to remove this feature.
The effect is encoded into the web page - you cannot remove it.

In my experience, this effect is used for advertising. A third-party ad
blocking program can stop it. For example, I use Super AdBlocker at home,
and never see that annoying effect. Most other ad blockers should provide
the same relief.
I am not sure that is what it is. This effect started about two weeks ago
and appears most of the time that I am on the internet. I go to many of the
same web sites (mostly banks and credit card companies)that I have been going
to for years and never had that effect before.
When is the last time you ran an updated spyware scan?

I highly suggest using Spybot Search & Destroy (not really for novices) but
if you feel comfortable with it, give it a shot. Microsoft Anti-Spyware is
another free alternative.

Something like that, that incorporates a hidden search bar sounds like a
marketing/spyware scam. I'd give that a check.
Yesterday. I suspect the same as you that I have spyware on my computer. I
was using Microsoft Anti-Spyware and it was not detecting anything. I
switched to Microsoft Defender and it does not detect anything either. I do
not have this problem on my home computer when I accces the same sites and my
co-worker does not have this problem on the same sites so I know there is
something on my computer but I have not found anyone that has had this same
problem and knows how to get rid of it.