Corn Flies


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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We are inundated at the moment with corn flies. They are very tiny black flies that seem to be attracted particularly to yellow and white clothing but do get everywhere. This afternoon they were all over my clothes, face and in my hair and they are very itchy. Many people call them harvest flies but, on checking on the net, harvest flies are much bigger and create a sound.

Anyone else got them at present?

They are usually no more than a minor nuisance but I have noticed that there are four of them wandering about inside my LCD monitor. They are definitely INSIDE because they cannot be wiped away. Problem is, what happens if they die right in the middle of my screen? Anyone know a way of clearing them out?

On another forum someone suggested putting a very bright light behind the monitor to attract them out but it did not seem to have worked. Just have to hope that they die right at the edge of the screen. :(
You could always brave opening the screen up. I did that a while back after seeing little insects in mine. Gpt a tonne of dust out of it at the same time and it seems to be cooler as well now.
Never heard of or experienced corn flies.

It must be a Yorkshire thing, all that black pudding and ecky thump :D

Have had a couple of nasty crab infestations in the past though, that wasn't nice.
floppybootstomp said:
Have had a couple of nasty crab infestations in the past though

Hope you don't get those inside your monitor. :D
nivrip said:
On another forum someone suggested putting a very bright light behind the monitor to attract them out but it did not seem to have worked. Just have to hope that they die right at the edge of the screen. :(

I had corn flies in my monitor a few years ago (although my current one hasn't been affected), Bex calls them "thunder flies", so perhaps that's used down south. Thankfully I never got any stuck behind the monitor, they had all either escaped or died somewhere else - hopefully these ones will also work their way out. Taking the monitor apart would be a heck of a job, as they will be behind a very thin layer.
Yep little tiny black in colour these are known as thunder flies..

Think its because they seem to appear in regions with low pressure on the barometer, when storms and rain is due.. Had a friend that had these things get inside his screen on his Sony Vaio, wasn't much he could do about it without invalidating his warranty!

Make sure your screen is out of warranty if your going to take it apart yourself..
floppybootstomp said:
Never heard of or experienced corn flies.

It must be a Yorkshire thing, all that black pudding and ecky thump :D

Have had a couple of nasty crab infestations in the past though, that wasn't nice.

Well I suppose that`s possible being so close to water,at Greenwich.
historian said:
Well I suppose that`s possible being so close to water,at Greenwich.

historian said:
Well I suppose that`s possible being so close to water,at Greenwich.

crazylegs said:

More like being close to the red-haired barmaid at the Dutch House :lol:

Believe it or not, there are actually crabs in the Thames, deposited here by visting Japanese ships, apparently, and they are not good news.

They is munching the local indigenous water population and eroding the riverbanks.

Which means that if I'm still alive in 2023 my home may collapse into the river at 3am and I will have to swim to the nearest pub.

Which is a bit scary, really.