Copyright laws and the internet


Feb 23, 2002
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I've just come back from a lecture at uni, introducing us to the Post-Grad courses. A main part of the lecture was about plagiarism, copyright etc... but this is what shocked me:

We can get booted off the course for doing a file > save as on a webpage or academic paper. Or, even printing it!

If any independent party found out, we'd be breaking copyright laws and reported to the police :confused:

The plagiarism I totally understand and agree with, but I didn't think saving a webpage would have so many repercussions :lol:
For the PhD it all has to be your own work.
What course are you doing & how long Ian?
Oh yeah I understand that, it's just the fact that it was technically illegal to print off a page from the internet with "copyright" on it. i.e. if someone printed out a page from PC Review that may be illegal - not as if I mind though ;)

It's a research based PhD on Advanced Flight Deck Display Methods, continuing on from the Aerospace Engineering course. Basically designing the next generation of cockpit, which is fun :D There's a big motion base simulator coming in Feb, so the aim is to kit it out and do flight tests with a totally new layout/technology.
Next Gen cockpit huh? That sounds amazing!

For what plans tho? Jets or Commercial?

You never knw Bill him self may invite you to start working for him designing his flight sims ;)
Will be commercial aircraft stuff mainly, and I think I'll probably try to work for Airbus/Smiths/Thales after it finishes - or set something up myself (not quite that big though ;)).
Ian Cunningham said:
Will be commercial aircraft stuff mainly, and I think I'll probably try to work for Airbus/Smiths/Thales after it finishes - or set something up myself (not quite that big though ;)).
Plenty of work out their for this kinda stuff.
We can get booted off the course for doing a file > save as on a webpage or academic paper. Or, even printing it!
Just a posh way of calling you a cheat. ;)

Good luck with your Phd ... what is, Phd anyway? :rolleyes:

Ian is thinking along the right lines.

Very perceptive for one so young.

Go for it.

As for printing off a page, just don't blatantly use it and don't get caught ;)

My company's health and safety policy statement, for instance, is compiled of five other company's statements, rejigged and rearranged - have you seen how many pages those things run to?

There's knowing, there's cheating and there's surviving. With compromise. Of course.