Copyright law changes

Jan 4, 2003
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It will become legal to make personal copies of digital media for personal use.

Vince Cable Announces Sweeping Changes To UK Copyright Law.

People will be able to legally rip CDs, make copies of ebooks, games, films and other digital media that they paid for providing it is for personal use.
They will also be able to use these works in parodies and for the purposes of quotations said Business Secretary Vince Cable.

Announcing the planned changes to the UK's copyright laws he said this will give greater freedom for people to use copyright work
while protecting the interests of the rights owners.

"Making the intellectual property framework fit for the 21st century is not only common sense but good business sense.
Bringing the law into line with ordinary people's reasonable expectations will boost respect for copyright on which our creative industries rely.

"We feel we have struck the right balance between improving the way consumers benefit from copyright works they have legitimately paid
for boosting business opportunities and protecting the rights of creators," Cable said today.
The changes announced are a response to the Hargreaves Report published in May 2011.
Professor Ian Hargreaves said at the time that the UK laws needed a radical shakeup.

"Could it be true that laws designed more than three centuries ago with the express purpose of creating economic incentives for innovation
by protecting creators' rights are today obstructing innovation and economic growth?

"The short answer is: Yes" he said.

Cable said the Government had consulted extensively on Hargreaves's proposals and new measures include provisions to allow copying of works
for individuals' own personal use, parody and for the purposes of quotation.

They allow people to use copyright works for a variety of valuable purposes without permission from the copyright owners.
They will also bring up to date existing exceptions for education, research and the preservation of materials.

In addition the Government will introduce a new non-statutory system for clarifying areas where there is confusion or misunderstanding
on the scope and application of copyright law.

Copyright notices will issued by the Intellectual Property Office.
These notices are intended to clarify but not make new law.
To be welcomed I suppose but what it boils down to is allowing people to do what they've been doing for years anyway.

Tis nowt but a simple would-be vote catcher for our present ruling gangters in tha house (The House Of Commons, that is).

When Cameron burnt his Smiths CD's to mp3 to play in his motor he had a brainwave on how to please the public without it costing him and his fellow ex-Eton yobs a single penny.

Clever move, albeit a tacky one ;)
To be welcomed I suppose but what it boils down to is allowing people to do what they've been doing for years anyway.

Tis nowt but a simple would-be vote catcher for our present ruling gangters in tha house (The House Of Commons, that is).

When Cameron burnt his Smiths CD's to mp3 to play in his motor he had a brainwave on how to please the public without it costing him and his fellow ex-Eton yobs a single penny.

Clever move, albeit a tacky one ;)

Bang on there Flopp's :bow:
Another useless piece of legislation that will make no difference whatsoever. It will, however, legitimise what is going on anyway.

But a vote catcher?

I can't imagine any Coalition voter who was thinking of changing to another party would remain with the Coalition on the strength of this legislation. Or, any non-Coalition voter switching to the Coalition because of this announcement. ;)
Coalition voter? What's that then? Best I can remember when I used to go to the voting box, I was presented with a choice of single party candidates. I didn't spot any options to 'Perm any two from six' or similar.

I suppose it may apply in a by-election where a Tory or LibDem candidate voted in will become a member of the current coalition goverment but when I said 'vote-catcher' I did visualise a general election.

And no, one simple piece of legislation such as this won't probably influence many people which way to vote but 'every little helps' as they say and there may be some who are sitting on the fence who might remember the brief feelgood factor they had when it was announced you may now legally burn optical disks and it may help them decide where to draw their cross on that piece of paper.

Whatever the reason, there has to be an ulterior motive, there usually is, and it's usually money or election driven.
Coalition voter = one who votes Conservative OR Lib Dem. ;)