Copying XP Settings From One PC to Another ?

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I'm currently running XP Pro SP3 on a desktop and have it set up as I like. I'm expecting to be getting a used laptop soon and I'd like to load XP on it with the same properties as I have on my desktop.

Can someone advise as to the easiest way to copy the OS properties from the desktop to the laptop?

Should I load XP on the laptop first, then use my latest System Restore file from the desktop? For copying other files, can I connect an ethernet cable between both PCs? I do not have a router.

Thanks in advance for any advice, I'm hoping others' experience will help.
From: said:
I'm currently running XP Pro SP3 on a desktop and have it set up as I like. I'm
to be getting a used laptop soon and I'd like to load XP on it with the same properties
I have on my desktop.

Can someone advise as to the easiest way to copy the OS properties from the desktop to

Should I load XP on the laptop first, then use my latest System Restore file from the
desktop? For copying other files, can I connect an ethernet cable between both PCs? I
not have a router.

Thanks in advance for any advice, I'm hoping others' experience will help.

Assume on the source PC you logon as 'WPR'. Reboot the PC.

On the destination PC, create an account as 'WPR' logon to the account then reboot the PC
and logon to a different Administrative account.

Using the destination PC, copy *everything* from ...
\\Source-PC\c$\Documents and Settings\WPR

Documents and Settings\WPR

That will not only get all the data files but will also copy the User Registry and thus
all configurations.