Copying to CD drive - drive write protected?

Jul 6, 2004
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Hi, i've been trying to copy files to a CD-RW disc. An error message comes up says Disk drive write protected. I've tried copying over using various means. i have Pinnacle where you can drag and drop and also jusst tried copying to the disk drive through file explorer - nothing seems to work.

It also has said that the disc is write protcted - which it is not. We have not used this drive other than to play DVD's.

Can anyone advise me or point me in the right direction?

First of all, copy over data on that disc to your hard drive, if you want to keep it.

Then use the 'erase CDRW' within your burning software. I've never used the software you mentioned, but it should have that facility. It could take a little while to erase it.

Then try it again.

If it still no work, try a different CDRW.
Hi, thanks for the replies. I think i must have had a blonde moment. I formatted the CD-RW and it seems to work. I thought they automatically came formatted - i was obviously wrong - sorry for wasting your time.

I haven't had the Diskdrive response again (up to now)