Copying the format within a worksheet to all in a workbook



Can you copy a single worksheet formats to all the remaining worksheets
within the same workbook without having to set them for each individual


print areas, headers & footer settings to be the same for all sheets within
a workbook?


If creating a new workbook file, set up one sheet and then use the Move or
Copy feature to create new sheets.

If an existing workbook with all sheets set up exactly the same as far as
occupied cells, select the model sheet & Copy. Then click the tab for the
next sheet, Shift+Click the tab for the last sheet & go to Edit>Paste

You can also use the Format Painter feature or create Styles.

True Headers/Footers are automatically used by any sheets/print areas when
you print. If you are actually referring to captions/labels/field names which
are typed at the top of you columns. the first item above will handle that.
In the second instance, Copy & Paste the content before the Paste Special

Hope this helps |:>)

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