Kevin Daly
I have a template worksheet that I need to duplicate 35
times. I then change the names of each tab and populate
the tabs with data.
I was using the following statement
for i=1 to 20
Sheets("template").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
and things worked ok until I began creating too many new
worksheets. It seems like there is a problem when
creating somewhere between 25 and 30 new tabs.
Has anyone run into this kind of problem? I've also tried
using the FillAcrossSheets worksheet function, but that
seems to fail when I try to fill more than 29 new sheets.
times. I then change the names of each tab and populate
the tabs with data.
I was using the following statement
for i=1 to 20
Sheets("template").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
and things worked ok until I began creating too many new
worksheets. It seems like there is a problem when
creating somewhere between 25 and 30 new tabs.
Has anyone run into this kind of problem? I've also tried
using the FillAcrossSheets worksheet function, but that
seems to fail when I try to fill more than 29 new sheets.