Greg H.
I am trying to create a number of copies of my existing sheet through a
for...next loop. Here is the code that I am trying to use.
Public Sub Copies30()
Dim I As Integer
Dim Sheetname As String
For I = 1 To 30
Sheetname = "PC " & Str(I)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheetname).Copy after:=Worksheets(Sheetname)
Next I
End Sub
When stepping through this, I am getting a "subscript out of range error".
I can't understand why, as if I add a watch on Worksheets("PC 1"), I am able
to get a reference to the worksheet.
Is there anyone who can spot the problem?
Thanks in advance,
for...next loop. Here is the code that I am trying to use.
Public Sub Copies30()
Dim I As Integer
Dim Sheetname As String
For I = 1 To 30
Sheetname = "PC " & Str(I)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheetname).Copy after:=Worksheets(Sheetname)
Next I
End Sub
When stepping through this, I am getting a "subscript out of range error".
I can't understand why, as if I add a watch on Worksheets("PC 1"), I am able
to get a reference to the worksheet.
Is there anyone who can spot the problem?
Thanks in advance,