Is there a quick way to move to a record in a recordset, copy the record, open a new recordset, then paste the copied record
I have numerous fields in the recorset and would like to save some typing. Do I have to go through this sort of thing
Field1 = rst1!Field
Field2 = rst1!Field2 'et
rst2!Field1 = Field
rst2!Field2 = Field2 'et
Both recordsets will have identical layout
Expanding a bit. When a delete record button is clicked on MyForm, I would like the deleted record to be written to a deleted records table
I have numerous fields in the recorset and would like to save some typing. Do I have to go through this sort of thing
Field1 = rst1!Field
Field2 = rst1!Field2 'et
rst2!Field1 = Field
rst2!Field2 = Field2 'et
Both recordsets will have identical layout
Expanding a bit. When a delete record button is clicked on MyForm, I would like the deleted record to be written to a deleted records table