The term "Insert" is misleading. Videos are actually linked, so they must
be included on the CD separately. However, how you create the links is
critical in ensuring that the links won't break. The links must be
"relative" or "pathless". I recommend that you delete the videos from the
presentation and then follow this procedure:
These steps are important to help ensure that your file links are "relative"
and will still
work when you transport your presentation to other systems.
1. Assemble all of the sounds, animations, narrations, movies, and any
other files you think you might use, into a single working folder on your
hard disk.
2. Open a new presentation and save it to the working folder. Then begin
adding files, links, etc. to the presentation.
3. Save often to protect your work.
4. Don't link to any file that does not already reside in your working
5. When your presentation is complete, save it to the working folder. Move
all files together when distributing to another system from the working
folder and keep them in a single folder on the new system or on a CD.