There is no such thing available but you could read this reply from John
Langhans to an earlier similar question. I am sure he will not mind me
quoting him:
This ability has been in PowerPoint since (at least) PowerPoint 97, although
in a somewhat limited fashion (using placeholders for pictures).Basically,
if you have an animation effect applied to the "Object area for AutoLayouts"
in your Slide Master, and you insert your pictures using the slide
autolayouts using the object (PPT 97/2000) or content (PPT 2002/2003)
placeholders in those layouts to contain the pictures, the pictures will be
automatically animated.
Then, if you delete a picture it is replaced by the empty object/content
placeholder and you can insert a new picture into the placeholder and the
animation is applied automatically to the new picture. The steps vary
somewhat from version to version so I'll give sample steps for the latest 2
versions of PowerPoint (2002 and 2003).
1) Apply entry animation (Fly from left) to "Object Area for AutoLayouts"
in Slide Master
2) In new slide choose slide layout with content placeholders
3) Insert picture into slide by clicking on the "Insert Picture" or "Insert
Clip Art" button in the middle of the content placeholder (and insert your
4) Verify that the picture animates as intended
5) Delete picture (picture is replaced by empty content placeholder
6) Repeat step 3 to put a new picture in the placeholder
7) Verify that the animation still works for the new picture.
The additional benefit of PowerPoint 2002 and 2003 is that, with multiple
masters, you can have different slide masters with different animations
effects (or none at all) and you change/remove the animation from the
pictures in any slide by simply applying a different master (design) to the
selected slide.
Also read this tutorial from Glen Millar:
gizahuna said:
I'm using powerpoint 2003. I know there is no way to jusy copy identical
animations from one object to another. But if I copy an object/picture
(with animations already created) than the animations will copy as well.
Then it is just a matter of replacing the picture. The question is there a
way to just replace a picture? I couldn't find such a function in the
format-picture, but maybe I missed it. Thanks