copying movie file to cam tape

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you would have to split it and put it on 3 tapes.... an hour is an hour when
it comes to camcorder tapes and DV-AVI files.
Thanks, I've split the movie and the first tape came out garbled and jerky.
I've seen this complaint before. Any suggestions on this problem? Thanks for
your reply. jay
The condition of your hard drive is the most critical thing to successful
transfers to tape.... free up space, defrag, and turn off un-needed apps
during the transfers...

and if that's not enough, download and use the free WinDV utility to do the
transfers.... after saving the movies to your hard drive as DV-AVI files.
WinDV uses a larger buffer to help reduce dropped frames. See my site's
Setup MM2 in XP > Other Software page to a link and newsletter about WinDV.
Tried WinDV on 28 min movie as well as , my 1 hr movie. I get an "
Error:Error" message when I click record. Any suggestions? jay
My cam is a Sony Handicam DCR-TRV740. I'm using a firewire connection---DV
In/Out to IEEE. I working on a new external Iomega D: drive. I've tried
leaving the lead and followup blank in windv, as well as, entering the intro
title pg and final title pg. I've also, re-downloaded, re-installed
WinDV----but still get the ERROR:ERROR message. Oh so close, but not quite a
download to my cam. HELP!! jay
check the 'policy' of your external drive.... see my website's Setup MM2 in
XP > Hardware page.... the policy should be set to 'Performance'
I set drive to "Performance" and still got the "ERROR:ERROR" message using my
project file(mm...) and for wmv file. I also tried my original avi. dl'ed
from the cam and it was downloaded back to the cam using WinDV with no
problem. Of course it didn't have titles, comments, I added in the processed
movie. I am now trying to find a file converter that will work with wmv to
avi. jay