Hi, I've got my image up and running almost perfectly on a Via Epia board. I
plugged in a usb stick and copied some files from the target pc onto the
stick. But when I put the stick in another pc the files were not there. Same
result if i delete/modify any files on the stick while plugged into the xpe
pc, i pull it out then plug in again, the files revert back to how they were.
Kinda like EWF, but ive only got that set on one of the hdd partitions and
its currently disabled.
I built an image for a newer Via board a few weeks back and never had this
problem, I've tried to compare components but can't see anything obvious that
i've missed.
Any ideas for a noob?
plugged in a usb stick and copied some files from the target pc onto the
stick. But when I put the stick in another pc the files were not there. Same
result if i delete/modify any files on the stick while plugged into the xpe
pc, i pull it out then plug in again, the files revert back to how they were.
Kinda like EWF, but ive only got that set on one of the hdd partitions and
its currently disabled.
I built an image for a newer Via board a few weeks back and never had this
problem, I've tried to compare components but can't see anything obvious that
i've missed.
Any ideas for a noob?