ok i have a set up like this :
a column of hyperlinks. a hyperlink that looks like this
=HYPERLINK("c:/" & C3 & ".txt",C3)
basically when a cell is clicked a document is displayed based on th
value in C3.
all i want to do is copy the cell hyperlink into another worksheet. bu
i dont want to copy the formulae but the RESULT.
for example the above forumlae result might be :
i want to be able to copy the above RESULT anywhere. how do i do it?
cant seem to find anything in paste special that does it.
your help would be appreciated.
a column of hyperlinks. a hyperlink that looks like this
=HYPERLINK("c:/" & C3 & ".txt",C3)
basically when a cell is clicked a document is displayed based on th
value in C3.
all i want to do is copy the cell hyperlink into another worksheet. bu
i dont want to copy the formulae but the RESULT.
for example the above forumlae result might be :
i want to be able to copy the above RESULT anywhere. how do i do it?
cant seem to find anything in paste special that does it.
your help would be appreciated.