Copying from one table to another

  • Thread starter Thread starter Theresa
  • Start date Start date


I volunteer for a non-profit service organization.

I have to keep track of personal information in one
table. In another table I need to list all the members,
and then keep track of their volunteer times.

I know how to bring the names in one at a time as I enter
time for each family.

What I want to do is have the names already in the second
table, (there are about 530 families) so all I have to do
is move down the list and put in the hours volunteered
for each month.

How would I do that?

I am using Access XP.

Thanks for your help

create a volunteers table w/ fields like:
VolunteerID (make this an autonumber field type and
primary key for table)

create a second table volunteers_hrs w/ fields like
HrsID (make this an autonumber and primary key for this

in the database window you should be able to see the
relationships tool - open up the relationships window,
show the two tables, and then drag the VolunteerID from
one onto the VolunteerID in the other table

This will create a relationship linking the data you
desire. you can establish referential integrity so that
there is a 1 on the line exiting the volunteers table for
the VolunteersID field and and infinity symbol on the
same line (other end) where it connects to the
volunteerID in the volunteer_hrs table. this means there
can be many instances of hrs info for any given person.

Then in a form you can create a combo box or list box
selection control and make the rowsource a query. build
the query right from the properties menu for the control
by selecting row/source type as table/query on the data
tab. Then in the rowsource property click the 3 dots off
the right side of input field, which should launch a
query builder window. select your 2 tables so they show
in the query window. (you should see the relationships
linkage for the volunteersid in the 2 tables). Then
select the first and last names field and the volunteerid
field from the voulunteers table so that the query will
return first, last name and volunteerid.

You create other fields on the form for the fields in the
volunteer_hrs table you want to input.

This will get you started. If you cannot figure out how
to save data, or if what I said makes no sense, then I
recommend you get a good reference book on access.
Allison Balters has several versions on access that I
think are good. I got started on Mastering Access 97.
